Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Coming Attractions

A new week, and I'm not even to blame for anything! Wow! That's kind of crazy! Actually, virtually everytime I've seen BJ this week, he's been hard at work on one thing or another (with a couple exceptions when he was attempting to conquer the world... as he tends to try to do at least a couple times a week). I don't know what y'all think about the recent and on-going updates to ydk, but personally, I'm digging the new look, and I'm really looking forward to the new channels.

From what I understand, none of the new channels are actually set to fully launch anytime soon, but BJ is going to explain more about them as time goes on. All I know right now is that Cardinal is another book like Legends of Az, The Gay Ninja is some sort of comedy kinda like Adventures of Ak except that it's rumored to be an actual cartoon with motion and voices instead of a comic (!), and The Fourth Wall is for videos like The Life and Deaths of Cooter Brown, but BJ won't say anymore about it. At this point, Cardinal is the one I know most about, but BJ said he's not working on that until he has more of LoA online.

Also, there's Mousekitty's Corner, and that part's already up. I've been reading Struck By You when I get the time, and I can't wait for more. I'm really hoping that Mousekitty doesn't leave us hanging like BJ has done for the longest time with Legends of Az... Though, speaking of Legends of Az, I saw BJ typing away on the computer a little while ago, and I saw names like Dock Traz and Raven on there, so I'm pretty sure we're actually finally gonna get some more of that. 'Bout time, I know!

I wish I had a funny story to tell you too, but I don't get out all that much, and BJ has been too deep into his work this week to have conjured up any for me to steal and pass off as my own. But if you wanna read more, check out the blogs to the right over here, written by ydk family and friends themselves, including star of The Life and Deaths of Cooter Brown: Bill Bryan, BJ's brother and the man who plays The Dark in LDCB: Nathan Hartsburg, the family blog kept up by Killa's real-life wife: Abby Hamblin, and even a blog pondering such things as religion and existentialism written by "The Director" himself... All of those blogs by the ydk friends and family are definately some blogs to check out (assuming you can get over how full of himself "The Director" is, of course)!

Also, don't forget to check out the latest Adventures of Ak! The surprising history between Bait and Charlie revealed!! And come back next week for another all new blog from everybody's favorite friendly neighborhood scapegoat: me, Steve!


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Blame Me!

Greetings, intrepid blog-readers! It is I: he who you have heard much about, but have never heard or seen: Steve! As you may have heard, I'm to blame for everything that goes wrong at ydk, including the failure of BJ to keep up with his ydk blog. How I caused that one, I don't really know, but he assures me that it's my fault. So in an attempt to make good for once, I'm here to revive the ol' blog. Or rather, I'm just gonna start a whole new one. So that's what this is: "Blame Steve!" The brand-new official unofficial blog of!

I plan on updating this once a week, but considering how often I somehow manage to cause BJ to miss his own weekly updates, there's no telling if I'll be able to make my own. That's the plan, though. In this blog, you will find all sorts of useful information that BJ doesn't think you need to know. I'll let you in on some ydk secrets, some amusing behind-the-scenes stories, and whatever else I can think of to write here. You'll also find all sorts of interesting new features around here once we really get going. Take, for example, the ydk poll! It hasn't been updated in forever! So I figure, why not put a new poll right here on my blog? So I'm gonna! And that's not all the features my blog will... um... feature... Well, at least probably not. I haven't played around too much with all the things that blogger has to offer, but I have to say: it does look like there's some pretty cool stuff that I can do with this blog, and I intend to do... that... cool stuff, I mean... Whatever.

Anyway, so that's this! I hope you like what you see and plan to come back! Check back next week for a new blog with some interesting ydk news, plus those cool new features I was talking about! That's it for now. I'm gonna get out of here before I screw something up...
